
11:57:00 PM

My little, 6 year-old brother was on his way to take a dump. As he was climbing the jamban to do it, he stopped as I walk pass the toilet. Well, he left the door open so I stopped. He went down and he told me the most courageous thing he did as he hol his desire to poop.

Last night as he was sleeping soundly, suddenly he was awaken by the strange feeling all over his body. His urinary bladder was full. (I have to say it) So, everybody was sleeping and it was pitch black. But he told me that he woke up anyway and made his way to the bathroom outside the room he was sleeping, which was my parents room. So as he walked, suddenly he heard that song called 'Are you sleeping' from the tv out front, you know that Astro's halloween commercial? Yes. He was scared but he gathered all his courage and peed.

The most important thing was he did not peed on the bedsheet. Thank god. You made your sister proud.

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