Get it Right

6:44:00 AM

One of the inspiring things to me is seeing somebody who always manage to get back up when they are knocked down, no matter how many times. Those people become much stronger and better as an individual. I think it is amazing to have that kind of strength to face your darkside, flaws and most importantly what others' impression towards you when you are crumbling. For me, these are the qualities that most of people are lack of right now, when dealing with problems.

I hate giving up because to give up in something means that we are closing the doors of hope and options that we actually have but as usual, we don't realize them. I cannot brain some people who have this kind of mentality of 'pergi mampus' or ' malas dah nak hadap' etc. You want things to change. You want all your problems to go away. You want to be better but what are you doing to yourself when you have this kind of mindset? Things wont get better. You, yourself wont change if you don't do something to yourself. Know that if you choose to be negative about it then that is what you are going to get in return. More mess. More bullshits.

The ugly truth is that we all have a self-destruct button and a monster within ourselves. We all need a saving. But, no matter who we are, we always have that feeling to help people go through their problems. When we want to help somebody, giving up is not an option. We have to keep trying. If trying is not enough , then the only thing we can do is pray hard and tawakkal to Allah because He is the only One who has the power to give hidayah to someone. When someone is having problems, stay with him/her. Give your absolute support and try to persuade and help them. Because when somebody gets into trouble, there are only two options; either he/she takes the right turn or the left turn and note that this is the moment where most people took the wrong turn.

Help me with something. If you see someone whose giving up for helping someone else or other similar circumstances then be the neutralizer and reminder. It is ashamed when we see and realized something is wrong but we just ignored it. Don't be that kind of person. If your house is a mess but your mother did not do anything about it because she was fed up with everything, be a good daughter/son to help clean the house. If you think your brother is having issues, slowly aproached him and try to help him the best that you could. Just try. Before it's too late.

You can do this.

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